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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  October 11, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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possible new clues in the disappearance of makala garrett. firefighters go door to door warning people. the latest attack and why people are especially
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concerned. oakland as fans filled with one. one victory away from completion. and the san francisco giants will have their shot at victory a shot at the world series. we'll tell you how fans plan to catch the game. "mornings on 2" starts right now. good morning, everybody. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm mike mibach. dave clark has today off. >> i'm tori campbell. its thursday, october 11th -- it's thursday, october 11th. hayward police wrapped up a press conference to talk about the latest twist in the case of michaela garrett. she was kidnapped over 20 years. claudine wong has more. >> reporter: good morning, tori. we just got out of the hayward police department from this press conference. we talked about what could be a break in this case. we're in kind of a waiting game, though. they said they are waiting for
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results from dna testing but that could take several weeks. they are looking at a small bone that they think could belong to her. let's talk about how she got her. her days goes back to 1988. that's when she went missing. she was 9 years old when she was kidnapped outside grocery store. police say this may not be the answer but they are certainly looking into it. >> from the investigators that i spoke with, she was -- i don't know what to say. she understood the gravity and the -- is wanting to find closure in whichever way. >> reporter: that was sergeant eric krim talking to garecht's mother about this possible
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break. how did this happen? well, 16-year-old joanne hobson was also kidnapped from stockton. earlier this year her family got closure in the case when her remains were found in the linden well. that's when one of the so- called speed freaks led police there. >> i didn't want to die. i want to know where my child is. that was the main important thing, is my child. >> reporter: but hobson's mother was also thinking about other families so she didn't just bury her daughter's remains. the box of bones she got from police, she actually took to a lab in chico and what forensic anthropologists told her, one bone found was the age between the -- between the age of 3 and
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14. in a blog, her mother wrote this -- think about it. if she had just taken the bones, we might never, ever had known if this was her. we might have gone the rest of her lives without knowing. so at this point, here's the situation -- they have this all 3-inch bone. they sent it to one lab to get tested. it wasn't able to get tested. so they sent it to a lab in virginia for more extensive testing. there's nothing more other than the time frame and the area where this is found. they are thinking this is her. her mother wrote in her -- in her blog, i think this may be it. we may get answers. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. in overnight news two people are still in the hospital after a triple
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shooting? oakland -- in oakland. a ktvu photographer at the scene says two cars were hit by bullets. one person died at the scene. there's developing news coming out of the middle east. government officials say a suspected al qaeda terrorist killed a long-time worker in yemen. they say he opened fire on the yemeni chief. p he was heading to where he has worked for the last 20 years. a source of this has the fingerprints of al qaeda. it's unclear if this is connected to the september 11th attack in libya that killed ambassador, chris stevens. there's new information about an oil sheen discovered in the gulf of mexico.
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the coast guard confirms it matches the oil from that bp spill two years ago. the source of the oil is still a mystery. the coast fort lauderdale says it's possible it's coming from the deep horizon rig that exploded and tank in the 2010 disaster. industry experts say it's unlikely that the well is leaking again. 7:05. vice president joe biden meet up with his republican rival, paul ryan in their only debate tonight in kentucky. coming up why some people say the moderateert of tonight's debate has a major con-- moderator of tonight's debate has a major conflict of interest. the "chronicle" reports that supervisor jame kim sent an e-mail to her constituents saying she would support a recall effort to remove mirkarimi from the sheriff's office. she's one of the supervisors to
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put him back in his post. coming up later in the newscast, pam cook will have more on why a recall effort will not be easy. the sun is now up. let's head to sal and see how. commute on this thursday morning is looking. >> mike and tori, it's getting busy. northbound 101 -- westbound bay bridge. there was a smalled vehicle that cleared out of the way. but they had the metering lights on pretty slow for a little bit. now they are beginning to ease up. i can tell seeing how the traffic is moving better. certainly not as bad as it was yesterday when people were sending me tweets but today it -- it is a little bit slow. it's backed up to the foot of the maze. when you gent to -- when you get to san francisco, 101 looks good. northbound 101, coming the other way. that looks good, approaching the 80 split. northbound 101 near mckee that's finally been removed.
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traffic is still busy. 280 has filled in. 85 is a little bit slow near 87. 7:07. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. mostly cloudy. that's a low cloud deck. a no-doubt-about-it westerly breeze where the wind is coming from. the rain, higher clouds have thinned out. it was just funneled in off the sierra nevada right over us coming over the low pressure in southern california. but counterclockwise is the way the wind flows around the low. look what's coming up on the sierra. as this low goes south, most of that cloud cover should stall. instead of going over us, by tonight it should be closer to the south bay. gilroy, no doubt about it, took hongers. .75. but also numerous reports of hail about 2 inches deep.
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so the low moves south, you can see the low as it has thunderstorms from last night coming down. showers are moving south. a lot of lower clouds, a cooler, breezy pattern. some of that is moving up to the sierra nevada. the wrap-around effect bears watching around here. temperatures today start in the 50s. they will send up -- they will end up in the 60s. the system there is bumping the low out of the picture. look what's coming up from las vegas where there's big thunderstorms around mammoth and seattle. watch what happens right there. right there. coming in this evening around 6:00. you can see another round of shower activity. the low clouds are not going anywhere today or tomorrow. it will be a cool couple of days. there are signs that it could get warm. we'll ease into that. if you are heading to the as game, clouds, cool, breezy. 59 degrees. once in side, i don't think it
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will matter. fog, sun, breezy. a little bit warmer inland. next couple of days. very cool. and speaking of the as, the chance of another bay bridge world series. it's still alive this morning. >> centered into light field, a base hit -- into right field, a base hit. he comes around! and the oakland as will live another day. >> the as were down to their last three outs when they rallied. once again, you see the as congratulated the hero of the game, coco crisp with a whipped cream pie. the team had 15 walkoff victories in the regular season and crisp has been a part of many of them. and across the bay, the giants also one win away from completing their own historic comeback. tara moriarty is live in san francisco where fans are counting down to this
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big game. tara? >> reporter: well, a lot of people you will notice will be wearing orange and black as they head to school and work. many people perhaps ducking out early so they can catch the game down here at public house or momo's across the street or maybe their favorite watering hole. the game starts at 10:00 this morning against the cincinnati red and giants are hoping for a repeat performance of last night. >> that ball's hit high in the air. deep to right field and way gone! >> reporter: yesterday, the giants snacked three home runs against the reds to win 8-3. out of the bullpen, timlincy mumm struck out six hitters to record the victory. angel pagan also scored a homer. >> i really got pumped up. we understand the situation we're in. it's a win-or-go-home
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situation. we're here to give it our all. joe fonzi spoke to giants' fans who traveled great distances to watch them win. >> deep down, i feel like they are gonna do it. they've come this far. >> we're ready. >> yeah, we're ready. >> yeah, definitely. >> i believe in -- matt cain. 10:02 is the game time. i promise the red coat here, not intentional. the orange one is at the dry cleaners. >> you can wear the orange one tomorrow after they win. thank you, tara. insight into the mind of jerry sandusky said in a letter to the judge.
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we stand for farmers owning the company; for them taking responsibility for the products they make; for them being in the right place at the right time for over 100 years making tillamook cheese from tillamook, oregon; for these farmers never wavering from their commitment to excellence. we stand for that.
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to really help our schools, vote yes on thirty-eight. prop thirty says they send new money to our schools. pprop thirty-eight really doese, send n...and thirty-eightsehindt straightkeeps it there..... could be home to bacteria. so use lysol disinfectant spray on soft surfaces everyday when you're cleaning up to kill 99.9% of bacteria. lysol. mission for health.
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clues. it will an very cool and breezy -- cloudy skies. it will be a very cool and breezy day. 7:14. new this morning, deputies in santa cruz are after a flasher who may be a repeat offender. the man reportedly exposed himself to two teenaged girls at seascape village in aptos on sunday. here's a look at the suspect. a white man in his late 20s with brown hair and a short beard. he was driving a black toyota sedan. the girls were not hurt. similar incidents have been reported elsewhere in santa cruz county and watsonville. if you have any information you are asked to call local deputies. convicted child molester jerry sandusky and his wife remain defiant. the two wrote letters to the
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judge. the letters which have been made public portray them as vir ofuous victims -- vir -- virtuous victims. the judge sentenced jerry sandusky to at least 30 years in prison this week. mitt romney says if elected, he will get tough on china. he's pledging to designate china as a currency manipulator. that's a step no u.s. administration has taken for any country for 18 years. some say the moves would set back relations to china. they also say it could hurt efforts with china on issues
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with iran. recent polls show president obama beating romney by just 1 percentage point in florida. 7:16. the only vice presidential debate of the season takes place tonight in danville, kentucky. alison burns is in our washington, d.c. newsroom with what both candidates are saying about tonight's debate. alison? >> polls show most voters think congressman paul ryan will win tonight's debate. it's at center college in kentucky. ryan admits he's nervous but says he's gonna emphasize the clear differences between the obama and romney campaigns. >> joe biden has been on the stage before. this is my first time. but what he can't run from is president obama's indefensible record. >> biden is much more experienced on the debate stage. he participated in 20 debates
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in the 2008 debate campaign. he said he's studying on ryan's record an he will make that his focus tonight. >> governor romney has -- i don't want to say anything in the debate that is into the completely accurate. president obama attended martha raddic attended her wedding 20 years ago, some say it's a conflict of interest. the debate team says it's a nonissue. >> you can watch the debate tonight at 6:00. ktvu news will follow immediately afterward. we're providing live streaming coverage at in just a few hours, a preliminary hearing will resume. 18-year-old max wade of san rafael is charged with attempted murder for allegedly
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shooting at a mill valley come back in april. authorities think he was angry about romantic rejection. he's also accused of stealing guy fieri's lamborghini last march. a mcdonald's manager in novato is accused of sexually assaulting an employee. the alleged victim says he molested her several times at the restaurant. a hearing is scheduled today in the case against james holmes, the man accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 more in an aurora colorado movie theater. according to "the denver post" today's hearing will be the first time most of the evidence in the case is made public. prosecutors are also expected
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to file 14 additional counts of murder, bringing the total number of counts to 186. the judge will then decide if there's enough evidence to move forward. an army appeals court will hear arguments about whether the accused fort hood shooter should look like this or keep growing the period he's been growing. the appeal comes after nidal hassan must be clean haven or he be shaven against his will. hassan says that would violent his muslim rights. he's you can accused of killing 14 people at fort hood m 2009. a new report shows that facebook battled the securities and exchange commission in the several days and weeks leading unto the public offering. bloomberg says facebook used numbers about its ad effectiveness that it claimed came from nielsen research.
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the s.e.c. demanded the proof. facebook eventually dropped that reference. the s.e.c. also -- also wanted to know if they were counting the mobile users twice. boxes of mini wheats, unfrosted bite sized and bite sized originals are affect the. kelloggs said small pieces of metal mesh may have ended up in the cereal. ap or kb or fk are the letters being recalled and that's before the "best if used before" date. so far no reports of any injuries from that problem. it will be a cool day ahead with some rain possible. up next, steve paulson will tell us when and where we might expect the weather. and a bomb scare on a bus. the word written on a suspicious package and what
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happen was found inside.
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(car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash... (phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters.
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newschopper2 flew over the scene of a bomb scare last night in san jose. sources tell us someone left a cardboard box with the word "bomb" written on it a santa clara bus. this shut down a stretch of highway near the capital expressway for three hours during the evening commute. the bomb squad x-rayed the box and determined it was empty. a 30-year-old man is in jail this morning accused of killing another man during a street fight. yesterday police arrested curtis kilgore in the beating death of the man who died. a motive for the fight as well as any connection between the suspect and victim is not clear. thursday morning commute,
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starting to pick up. let's head to sal. >> we have an accident in contra costa county on vasco road. a lot of people know vasco road. they use it in this area. they have called for an air ambulance and three ground ambulances to the area. if you are driving in contra costa county, right at walnut which is one of the major intersections, there is a pretty serious crash. if we move the maps to hayward, traffic will be busy heading south to union city. if you are driving to the south bay, we've had heavy traffic on 101 right through there. let's go to the toll plaza. that traffic is backed up. we had an earlier stalled vehicle as you come up through. i just want to put 280 back on. we're going back to the south bay. northbound 280, still very slow, as you can see. 7:25. let's go to steve. well, mostly cloudy. that's in the form of low clouds. a rather robust sea breeze in
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place. that means temperatures will be very, very cool today. the low cloud deck may be slow with that west wind in place, now the higher clouds gave way to showers and thunderstorms. you can see they went right off us. most of this is drifting south. a west-southwest at 0 at travis. gusts of 25 all the way -- at 20 at -- of 20 at travis. gusts of 25 all the way through. look at the cloud cover just screaming northward from las vegas to sierra heading to tahoe and truckee. we could see some of this tonight. 60s or very low 70s, not much change on friday. a little bit calmer conditions
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on saturday. it does look a little warmer on sunday and monday. 7:26. a new development in the case of a hercules woman who was killed inside her home. how an alert police officer in a seattle suburb made a major break in the case. >> reporter: another trash fire started near several homes in west san jose. why saves -- neighbors say these arsonists have plenty of fuel for the flames. what police here are doing to try to stop a crime spree.
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every move i make is a statement... ♪ ...that inspires me to make my mark. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new lexus es 350. ♪
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one day after san jose firefighters washed people about -- washed people about an arsonist, it happened again. ktvu channel 2 reporter matt keller is there to explain what neighbors say they are worried about. >> reporter: yeah. i spoke to a neighbor this morning. she said these were the dumpsters where the fire started. you can see the damage inside. the latest fire came just after 8:00 last night. firefighters say this is the 9th trash bin fire -- bin fire off bascom. one neighbor said people are putting things on fire behind
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her complex. >> i hear calls pulling in. i will hear slamming and banging and i know they are unloading stuff here. what are you gonna do? >> reporter: a huge fire hazard for you? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: firefighters told me they are concerned this serial arsonist could go from starting these small trash fires to vehicles and homes. now here is the brush that is burned. right next to it is a new fence just put in after the old fence was damaged. matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:31. in overnight news, deputies in santa clara county are searching for the gunman who injured two people in morgan hill. one victim was shot in the hand around 3:00 this morning on monterey and peoples peebles
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avenue. the -- on monterey and peels peebles -- peebles avenue. susie ko. he was found stabbed to death in her home. a break in the case happened in a seattle suburb when police spotted the stolen sue bau raw of the family -- subaru of the family and the officer tried to talk to the driver. >> the officer arrested the man and his wife. police in hollister are asking for people in finding a 25-year-old woman who has not been seen since she dropped off
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her child since yesterday morning. heather carol did not return in the afternoon to pick up her child. she also did not pick up two other children she cares for. family and friends say this is out of character. she's described as 5'5", has reddish wavy hair, brown eyes. she was last seen driving a brown tan-colored sequoia suv. an arrest turned into the arrest of about went people after protesters re-- 20 people after protesters refused to leave. [chanting] >> yesterday, evening, the group homes, not jailed for world homeless day parked -- marched from delores park and once there they entered a residential building hanging signs and dropping items from the roof. >> in the process of going to the building, police noted that several doors have been broken,
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rocks thrown at sheetrock. >> police say some of the people involved could face fellmy charges. san francisco police are looking for witnesses who saw someone open fire on a muni railway bus. it happened last friday night at the intersection of third and paul avenue. the muni driver stopped and then heard a gunshot. all of the passengers ducked down. the driver quickly drove the bus a distance away. there was a gunshot to the rear of the vehicle, but the bullet never penetrated the bus. >> san rafael police are investigating a wave of burglaries they had happen on night drive, and driftwood court. in the peacock gap neighborhoods. alex savidge has more about how they are handling this. alex? >> reporter: well, a couple of neighbors i talked to early on,
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they haven't heard about this rash of burglaries in this area. sneaky thieves are getting through houses through unlocked windows. san jose police are increasing their presence here and also in the nearby peacock gap neighborhood. there are been 15 break-ins reported so far. they are going straight for jewelry and cash and stashing those items in a pillowcase according to police. investigators say the thieves are very neat. they don't make much of a mess. in fact, in some cases they are leaving the homes so neat that the homeowners will come back and don't realize there has been a break-in. one man i talked to this morning said he hadn't heard about this. >> i'm very surprised. i've been here for 20-plus years. it's kind of disconcerting. >> it's a fairly safe
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neighborhood and secluded. >> reporter: so in response, san rafael police are increasing their presence in this area in beth of these neighborhoods. the -- in both of these neighborhoods, the peacock gap and the glenhoping to track down the thieves who are breaking into these homes. 15 break-ins in the past month and a half. police are planning to hold meetings with homeowners on how to offer advice to keep their homes secure. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:35. san francisco district attorney george gascon is asking newly- ren stated sheriff ross mirkarimi to recuse himself from some of his duties. he's calling on someone else to oversee all domestic violence cases. mirkarimi is on probation after he pleaded guilty to false imprisonment for bluing his wife's arm. and gascon says that's a conflict of interest. >> during the remainder of his
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probation, he needs to appoint a high-level administrator within his department to oversee all domestic violence- related work. [ cheers ] >> mirkarimi told ktvu that he will have a "legal response" to gascon's request. in the meantime, ross mirkarimi will resume his duties on monday. however, he could face another challenge and that would be aer effort. coming up in 15 minutes, which supervisor reports the area and a look at the city's recall rules. a napa resident died after crashing his car into two bicyclists. they say he was found dead in his driveway on tuesday. they say it appears he died of natural causes. although toxicology tests are still spending. one of the bicyclists he hit is still in critical condition. the chp says pierce pulled over
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after the crash and that alcohol was not a factor. rain is likely to blame for a late-night rollover accident. it happened on georgia street. a father and his son were on their way back from the as game. >> the vehicle started to fishtail and hit the curb and flipped over. >> the son said they were just getting on the freeway and were only going about 25, 30 miles an hour. both were taken up a little bit but both walked away from the crash without any injuries. >> pretty lucky. there may be more traffic for the as game tonight. >> yes. >> let's check in with sal. >> we're looking at the south bay commute. it's been really slow because of an earlier accident. people are avoiding 101. i don't blame them. 101 is a mess. you can see here a lot of
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people are finding 280 as the alternate. i want to show you the maps here. 101 is getting slightly better now that we've cleared that motorcycle crash. northbound 87 there is a minor crash there on the corner and 85 is slow. moving along to the commute on the peninsula, 101 is slow and so is the san mateo bridge. i want to mention there is an accident on vasco road on walnut boulevard. sounds like a pretty serious crash we've been reporting. i just want to mention that a lot of emergency vehicles are on the scene. let's go to live pictures now. bay bridge westbound traffic is going to be backed up to the foot of the maze. the metering lights are on. tori mentioned the as game. it's at 6:30. that means a lot of people coming to the coliseum taking b.a.r.t. plan ahead. plan accordingly if you drive in that area. let's go to steve. >> sal, everyone on twitter is complaining about the start- time for the giants' start
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time. >> 1:00. >> when they are complaining about 5:00 in cincinnati. the rain has moved south and also out to sea. still light rain down towards hollister and a little bit there, salinas. but coming right off the sierra. the wrap-around effect, there's still a lot of cloud cover. it's just streaming northward. eventually that's going to come back. we're still in the window there for some possible shower activity. gilroy, pat yourselves on the back. it was just a crazy day yesterday. numerous reports of hail, 2 inches deep. .75. unbelievable. after that, there were less amounts but there were measurable amounts. maybe your rain gauge picked up some well. maybe more today. the thunderstorm activity has moved to southern california and also sacramento valley, san joaquin valley.
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but still showers, moving south, low clouds and a big fog bank keeps us on the cool side today and also tomorrow. we have to keep an eye on that starting to wrap back around. it's not out of the picture yet. a west-southwest wind up to 20, 25. this will be a cool day. temperatures in the 50s and as i said about 4:30 in the morning, i don't think the lows will move too much. you can see the thunderstorm activity absolutely increasing and heading up to tahoe and truckee. it will maybe, maybe come back. sometimes they don't pick up on the moisture. maybe right there. not too much. but there could be some. about the altamont pass. as that low goes safe. it takes the moisture with it. highs today and tomorrow, 60s or really low 70s. in fact, it's going to be below average here. it looks like we'll bottom out. warmer weather next week if you
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are heading to the as game. once you are inside, i think everyone is good to go. it will be cool and breezy. and then warmer sunday, monday. someone who bought a lottery ticket in the fan tacy 5 game. the ticket was sold in santa cruz -- fancy 5 game -- fantasy 5 game. the ticket was sold in santa cruz. the news report is -- the new jobs report is out today. and "endeavour" is taking another special report on its way to its final home.
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job les benefits, they are down 30,000. now, the markets love this news. right now the dow is up 76. the nasdaq is up 24. s&p up 10. international markets are reacting to s&p's downgrading of spain's credit rating. it dropped to triple-minus. that's one level above junk bond status. the s&p says this comes because of the capacity for spain's ability deal with the crisis is
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declining. the vice presidential candidate debate is tonight. sandra endo has more. >> reporter: we're expecting paul ryan to do his walk- through on the debate stage very slowly here. and both candidates have been preparing for this one and only showdown. this could shift the momentum in the contest. just hours before joe biden and paul ryan face off, adviser david axelrod says biden is looking forward to the debate. >> there are really clear distinctions between mitt romney and president obama. >> reporter: but republicans seem to be tempering expectations. >> i've known paul for a long, long time. he's always hit the ball out of the park.
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but let me tell you something, this is his first time. joe biden has been doing this since the 1800s. >> reporter: ryan does not deny that joe biden has politically more experience but he says the vp has an achille's heel. >> i know how he will attack us. he has barack obama's record to run on. >> reporter: with the polls tightening into a virtual, the stakes in danville are high. vice president biden must avoid making one of his well- documented gaffes. president obama told abc news he has confidence in his running mate. >> congressman ryan is a smart -- is smart and he's an effective speaker but his ideas are the wrong ones and joe
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understands that. >> reporter: despite the differenterring political views and the nearly 30-year age gap, biden and ryan actually know each other from their time on capitol hill and ryan says they actually get along quite well. sandra endo, mike, back to you. mitt romney is dropping one of his campaign points after the mother of one of the navy s.e.a.l. asked him to. >> i met some wonderful people
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like glen doherty's mother. >> glen doherty's mother does not want mitt romney using her son's name in the campaign. ross mirkarimi is said to be back on his -- back to his duties on monday. but george gascon is asking that he let someone else handle domestic violence cases. there's also lingering criticism of the votes. jane kim, she and her vote are at the sentern of that criticism, since she was appointed by ed lee, who
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publicly fought against his reinstatement. now, a recall effort, we've seen it before. it's always a lengthy and difficult taskth the paper says to recall a position like the sheriff, it means getting nearly 50,000 signatures to get it on the bal automatic. in our next hour of "mornings on 2," we'll tell you about what else has to happen for a recall to take place. i'm pam cook, let's go back to tori and mike. we have new details in the case of giselle esteban, the woman accused of killing michelle le. yesterday, jurors -- jurors heard the recording when police first interviewed esteban shortly after leappeared. she can be heard in it laughing and crying. the trial is set to resume later this morning.
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a body has been found in a field in denver. but they are not saying if it is connected for the search for missing 0-year-old jessica ridgeway -- jessica ridgeway. investigators believe she was kidnapped by a stranger. not by someone the family may have known. 9-year-old michaela garecht was kidnapped back in 1988. coming up at 8:00, we'll go live to hayward where this morning police talked about a bone fragment that could provide some answers. it is nine minutes before 8:00. the sea lion that was rescued from san francisco's pier 39 after someone reported it had plastic wrapping stuck around its neck. he's doing better now that the strap is done. he's at the marine mammal
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center in sas -- sausalito. it's left quite a wound but it is being treated. the marine mammal says he could be released back in the wild next week. well, an explosion at a south bay home. the fiery blast that left someone woman with some serious burns. and growing tensions between walmart and its workers. the issue that could lead to a nationwide protest on the busiest shopping day of the year.
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a woman is being treated for second and third-degree burns after a fire at her home. three other people made it out safely without any injuries. firefighters say it appears the explosion was on the second floor and they are still investigating the cause. walmart workers are
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threatening to go on strike the busiest day of the year. workers warned they could hold strikes or other nonviolent protests on the day after thanksgiving when many wait outside those doors trying to get those holiday deals. speaking of long lines and traffic, let's check in with sal. >> it's gonna be a long line, there is a serious crash in walnut, they are clearing up. an injury crash. let's take a lack at highway 4 -- a look at highway 4. bay bridge toll plaza, we do have a backup extending out all the way out to the macarthur maze. the metering lights are on. there. it's not as bad today as it was yesterday. on the peninsula we've had some slow traffic from burlingame
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heading on south to san mateo. thank you, sal. mostly cloudy. there is a rather large fog bank which is in place now. we lost a lot of high and mid- level clouds. last night, they came right over us, had very good thunderstorm activity, from not only lake county and gilroy. some of that cloud cover has moved south and east. still, though, if you have the snipe, there will be a westerly breeze in place. still, watch out of that moisture coming upping to the sierra -- coming up to the sierra nevada. skies to the east might thicken up later. 60s an 70s. it looks like the low clouds. one person killed after a
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triple shooting in oakland. and closure finally -- and could closure finally come for the mother of michaela garecht? we'll tell you what hayward police just told us about a mall bone being tested. >> reporter: will you be one of the ones playing hookey today? the giants get their shot at the world series when "mornings on 2" continues.
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[ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> i'm mike mibach. dave clark has today off. there is a new development in the speed freak killersese case t could provide long-awaited answers for the family of michaela garecht who was kidnapped in hayward 24 years ago. ktvu's claudine wong is joining us live from the hayward police department where just about an hour ago, investigators talked about the case. >> reporter: that's right. during the press conference, they told us they do not know if this bone being tested belongs to michaela garecht. it's at a lab and results may not be back for another few weeks. but the sergeant said this morning if they can provide
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closure to michaela garecht's family, that's what they want to do. her case is now 24 years old. it was back in 1988 when she was kidnapped in front of a hayward grocery store. while police say this is one of many leads they've chased over the years, they will do what it takes to find out if this bone belongs to michaele lay. -- michaela. >> hopefully the dna will give us closure on whether it is or isn't. >> reporter: now, the bone was found in a well in linden back in february. it was given to the mother of joanne hobson who meant missing back in 1985. however, hobson's mother was not happy with the san joaquin sheriff's department's handling of thevation. so she went all of the evidence to chico state. not all of the bones were that of hobson.
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one bone belonged to a child between the ages of 5 and 15. that's when hayward pd was contacted and the bones were given to them. >> we've since contacted the lab and had that bone delivered to the lab for dna analysis. it's been transferred from the first lab to a second lab for a higher level of testing. >> reporter: as we wait for the results of that testing this morning, there's criticism used. in a blog she write, she wrote, somewhere in this blog i want to be there if she's found. if all that was left of her was skeletal remains, i wanted to wrap my arms around those little bones and hold my daughter. but no, in this case, there is a single piece of bone, 3 inches long. so we know the bone is in a lab
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in virginia. hayward pd says they are working with them right now. we also know that hayward pd says if the results come back as michaela, they would like to go back to linden, possibly, maybe. we'll talk about looking for more remains and they would like to talk to wesley shermantine, one of the convicted speed freak killers. an earthquake hit off the coast of san francisco. it was a 2.2. it struck at 7:01 this morring. it was centered six miles west of the san francisco zoo and ten miles west of city hall. the earthquake was less than two and a half miles deep. there are no reports of any damage. it is 8:02. there's developing news from the middle east. a suspected al qaeda terrorist has killed a long-time worker at the u.s. ambassador in
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yemen. the masked gunman was on a motorcycle when he opened fire on the yemeni chief the security. he was headed to the embassy where he worked for nearly 20 years. the drive-by shooting happened fairly far from the site. but officials say this has the fingerprint of al qaeda. it's unclear -- unclear if this is related to the attacks on september 11th that killed four americans in libya. the action did not end after the final whistle a --
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whistle at a game. >> oh, no! >> following last week's game between the chargers and the junior 49ers, a fight erupted between the coaches of both teams. police say it began with trash- talking. the coach crossed the -- crossed the field and hit the other coach. a woman who shot this video, is disappointed by what happened. >> we're not in the best neighbor. a lot of the kids here may not have both parents. they are looking at the coaches to be their male role models. >> after that, the rest of the game was canceled. coming round and the oakland as will live another day. >> in oakland, the as recorded their 15th and most important
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walkoff victory of the season so far last night. down 3-1 in the 9th, they rallied back and scored three runs. as tradition, the fun-loving congreat lating cocoa -- congratulating coy co crisp with a pie -- coco crisp with a pie in the face. and the giants are hoping to create an historic comeback as well. tara moriarty is live where a popular hangout is opening early because we're just about two hours away from the first pitch. >> reporter: i know. we're here at the irish times in the financial district. it's a popular spot for people to come in, pop in for an hour or so. they have the table set up for breakfast and game time again at 10:00 against the reds and giants' fans are hoping for a
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game like they had last night. >> the ball hit high in the field, deep to right field. angel pagan! >> reporter: yesterday, the giants smacked three out of the park. timlinky come threw -- tim lincecum threw probably his best game of the season. >> i feel with the extra motivation, it kind of helps you in those situations and not really think about the difference of starting and being in the bullpen situation. i gotta get my outs -- outs an do my job. >> reporter: joe fonzi spoke to some fans last night who traveled a great distance to be here. >> it took them a while to get warred up. now that they are here, they are ready to win.
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>> absolutely. go, giants! >> reporter: game time is at 10:00. breakfast is at 9:00 at this particular establishment. i do apologize for the red coat. i've received a lot of e-mail and texts. it was not intentional. go, giants! live in san francisco, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> we have the orange hair, so we have that permanent way to celebrate. the giants will have support in cincinnati. some die-hard fans traveled to the hyatt. some of them we heard from tara's report. and we'll hear from joe fonzi about how confident they are they will take the series. we understand it's never happened before for them to clinch the league after being down three games. >> in the american league. in the national league it's been done. sal, we're sitting in jack
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london square. not that we're complaining. >> no, no, but -- i have to send tara another text about her red coat. >> it was you! >> it was me. sorry about that, tara. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at the commute. tara and i, we joke around. the westbound bay bridge, it's backed up getting into san francisco. the giants' game is not in san francisco. but the as game is in oakland. that means that another -- that another night of a lot of fans showing up. tonight at the coliseum. there is a warriors' game at the coliseum. this is a look at the bay bridge. it's backed up for about a 20- minute delay. as you approach the 280 interchange. and vasco road, we still have a problem here at walnut creek. mayor -- major injury crash. there also had an air ambulance
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there. vasco road not a good way to go. stick to the main roads, the main freeways. let's go to steve. all right, sal. sunshine. a lot of fog. kind of thick fog. and most of the high clouds have thinned out but there is a lot up in the sierra nevada. some of that may come back. what we are looking at is a lot of the cloud cover. and that turned into the sierra and the mother lode. that -- that's right there. it's a lot coming up. and the flow around low pressure could easily drag this back to us. we'd be hard-pressed to beat gilroy which had a lot of hail and .75 of rain. prunedale picked up hail reports as well. here comes the cloud cover.
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now, again, i think it will favor more toward the east or south bay. there is a westerly breeze in place. so even with sunny skies, the temperatures will be in the 70s. things are just blowing up from las vegas all the way up to tahoe and truckee. i know it's over the sierra. but the same thing has happened since last night. still, though, one more day and then that low gets for enough out of the -- far enough out of the picture. cool, breezy pattern. forecasted highs today. tomorrow, maybe even -- maybe even saturday are going to stay cool. there is another system to the west that will move on on saturday. that breeze which is out of the west. temperatures will be in the 60s. if you are headed to the as game. once you are inside, everything will be fine. kind of a cool pattern into saturday and then it looks like
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next week we could get back to warm you, maybe even hot -- warm, maybe even hot. we talked about the hail measuring up to 2 inches deep. that was yesterday around 4:00, 5:00. if you have the photos you can send them to us from that wild weather yesterday and even if we get some today. one viewer said it hailed for 20 minutes straight. so if you have photos, send them to us or post them on our facebook wall. if you see a lot of smoke along highway 1 in marin county later this morning, don't worry. it's probably a controlled but. the national parks service is scheduled. the fire will be set 7 miles south of alima. and the burn is set to begin
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around 10:00 a.m. the disease has spread across the bay area in sudden oak death. >> the u.s. forest service says 375,000 oak trees died this year. that's ten miles as many from just a year ago. a show of support for governor brown's november tax measure. what one bay area community says will what happen -- will happen if prop 30 fails.
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sunny for some. there's a lot of cool temperatures today. >> thank you, steve. the vice presidential candidates face-off in their only debate in kentucky tonight. alison burns has more. >> reporter: even though joe biden is mup more experienced on the national stage, he participated in 20 debates and forums during the 2008 campaign. most of the recent polls show more voters think paul ryan will win tonight's debate now, ryan arrived at center college in kentucky just about ten minutes ago to check out the site. he's participated in nine mock
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debates to prepare for this moment. he says the goal is to emphasize the clear differences between the romney and obama campaigns. joe biden is looking to ramp up momentum after the president's poor performance last week caused the obama ticket to drop in the polls. >> what i've been doing mostly is, quite frankly, studying up on congressman ryan's position on the issues. >> i know how he will come and attack us. the problem he is -- he -- he has barack obama's record he has to run on. >> reporter: tonight edebate will run for 90 minutes and cover foreign and domestic issues. >> you can watch the debate right here on ktvu channel 2 tonight beginning at 6:00. ktvu news will follow immediately after wards. we're also providing live streaming coverage on our website at snootses -- dozens of people gathered in concord to show support for proposition 30.
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governor brun's temporary tax hike measure. teachers, parents, held a rally. they say they worry schools will face deep cuts if this proposition does not pass. >> there will be less days this year. schools will close early. we can't afford that. and our children can't afford it. >> prop -- the author of 38 says a guaranteed revenue will go to schools. but prop 30 does not. september marked a five- year low with slightly more than 180,000 properties receiving a foreclosure filing. that's 15% less than a year ago. california remains the state with the second largest number of foreclosures. 5% of all homeowners will -- 25% of all homeowners will
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refinance their property. many are doing something much differently than 2005. lenders say 81% of borrowers refinance their loans for the same amount or lower their principal billionsance. that's the highest percentage in 17 years -- balance. that's the highest percentage in 17 years. 8:17. four children and a grandmother have been killed in a fire in baltimore. it burned through a rowhouse in northeast baltimore. there were ten people living in the home, one man jumped from a second floor window to escape flames. two firefighters were injured when a floor collapsed. one of them fell through the second floor all the way down into the basement. he was taken to a hospital in stable condition. officials are investigating the cause of the fire. within just the past 90 minutes, we learned that a third person has died in the parking garage collapse at
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miami-dade college. the latest victim was a man pulled. rescuers had to amputate his leg to get him out. he died in a trauma center two hours later. the garage had been under construction when it -- when it fell. one person is missing and presumed dead. at least ten are being treated for injuries. a chinese author is the winner of the nobel prize in literature. the award for mo yan was announced in sweden. and the swedish academy praised the author. as with the other literature prize -- as with the other nobel prize winners, the nobel prize in literature is 1.5 million -- is worth 1.5 million. so far 12 people have died in more than -- and more than
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130 have become sick in the meningitis outbreak. the same company own a company recently used of -- accused of failing to separate sterile and nonsterile supplies. 8:19. red and gold heading across the pond. when the 49ers will make a return trip to england. good morning. westbound highway 4, improving a little bit here as you drive through bay point. we'll tell you more about the morning commute and the bay area.
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the city of oakland has filed a lawsuit to protect its most profitable pot club. it's suing over a federal prosecutor's plan to shut down harborside center. harborside employs about 100 workers and paid more than a million dollars in city taxes last year. a central subway is getting 942 million in federal funding. that's the announcement expected in san francisco from senator dianne feinstein. nancy pelosi and transportation secretary, ray lahood, a group of critics called save money sued when it got wind of the event, calling the project a waste of money. the 49ers are set to play another football game in england. this is video from when they beat the broncos two years ago.
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they will be heading back to wimbley again. this time, the team will play the jacksonville jack -- jack wires -- jaguars. let's bring in sal rate now. how are we -- right now. how are we looking on the roadways? >> when you saw that gay, did you notice there are a lot of players that are no longer -- >> yes. we're okay. we're better than yesterday. today it is just kind of normal traffic out there with a couple of exception. we're go in start on 280. you are used to seeing slow traffic. it is actually better than it used to be. this morning we've had that big accident vasco road at walnut. there's -- they are still clearing it. a lot of people taken to the hospital.
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it's pretty slow. i want to just mention the traffic is going to be a little bit slow on 580 and 680 in the general area. let's take a look at the westbound bay bridge. we're seeing some improvement here. yesterday at this time, it was much worse. today is a much better day getting into the city. 8:24. let's go to evto. sunny for some. you have to be pretty far inland to see that. there's plenty to go around which has calmed down in the rain department. a lot of thunder and lightning. maybe scaring the pets or yourself. there were good reports of rain. there is a lot of gray. there's our system. it came back and i'm in tahoe, truckee. i think i will visit the bay area. it's like a funnel came over us. there's still a lot of cloud cover developing. some that could move out tonight. 50s on the temperatures.
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they are not really moving too much. there is a weak system out there which will brush us on saturday. i don't think it will do much. 50s, 60s and really low 70s. not much change. although the thunderstorm activity after tonight and friday morning, then a little warmer like sunday and monday. 15 burglaries in six weeks. how police say criminals are getting into people's homes in one north bay city. another trash fire in west san jose. we just found out the unusual way two brothers were able to put out the flames. >> reporter: momentum's a funny thing when it comes to sports. but right now it belongs to the san francisco giants and their series against the reds. i will have a live all right from cincinnati when "mornings on 2" continues.
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san francisco giant fans will be glued to their televisions and raped crows in a little more than -- and radios in a little more than 90 minutes. joe fonzi has been with the team and what's the vibe out there? >> reporter: people are starting to trickle in. we're getting close to game time. remember, just a couple of days ago, the giants were all but given up for dead. yesterday, in game 4, they got something they haven't gotten in the series. that was instant offense early in the game. this place was bagged and ready too go. and pagan hit a home run. by the time pablo sandoval hit
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a two-run homer in the 7th, the giants were cruising to an 8-3 win that evened the series. the giants' fans are hard to find in this sea of red. >> it took them a while to get warmed up. now that they are here, they are ready win. >> deep down, i can't see them losing. i just feel like they are gonna do it. it's their time. they've come this far. >> reporter: another interesting note about last night's game was the fact that tim lincecum who used to be the giants' ace came in an got the win, he struck out 6. it really was a team -- if you remember,
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back in 2010 when the giants clinched at at&t park, latos was a member of the padres. giants beat them that day and then latos spent the whole day signing autographs, i hate sf. so he has a lot more opportunity to hate sf if the giants do it today. we're reporting live from cincinnati, ohio, joe fonzi, husband. back fonzi -- joe fonzi, ktvu channel 2 news. back to you. >> thank you, joe. san francisco police are lacking for a serial arson -- looking for a serial arsonist. matt keller is live where neighbors are concerned the next fire could hurt or kill someone. >> reporter: i just spoke with the two brothers who say they are the ones who put out the fire last night. it was the alleyway here and
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the homes, another neighbor told me, last night's fire started just after 8:00 when mike and his brother smelled smoke and started to -- >> we just grabbed water jugs. >> reporter: make said the fire was not that big and they were able to put it out. they are concerned this arsonist could go from starting fires to trash cans to vehicles and homes. matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, matt. 8:32. in overnight news, oakland police are still looking for the suspects in a triple shooting. it happened at 9:30 last night
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near the intersection of 45th avenue and east 12th street. witnesses say they heard a large number of gunshots. police say one person died at the scene. two others were taken to the hospital. we checked on their condition. police say they are being treated for multiple gunshot rounds. there is a manhunt underway for a man who shot one man and hit another. it happened on peebles avenue in the morgan hill area. sheriff deputies say a 45-year- old man was shot in the arm around 3:00 a.m. and a 25-year-old man was hit in the head. both should survive. the attacker is on the run, possibly headed to mexico. deputies say he's mario calderon. 35 years old, 5'6", 180 pounds. he's driving a white, two-door, 1994 acura integra. 8:33. a wave of burglaries has many people in san rafael on edge. the break-ins have been reported in the peacock gap and
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glenwood neighborhoods. alex savidge is live to let us know how police are handling this. good morning, alex. >> reporter: i just talked with the sergeant with san rafael police. he told me people in the area need to make sure there are -- their houses are locked up. these thieves are fast and efficient. usually they are getting inside houses through unlocked windows. the burglaries mostly happening in the glenwood neighborhood. 15 break-s in have been reported in the past month half in this area the sergeant i talked too said many of these crimes do appear to be connected. the thieves are not spending a lot of times inside the houses. police say they also don't make much of a mess either. in some case, they leave these cases so neat that the homeowners don't even realize there's been a break-in for several days. one man said his neighbor got hit when they were out of town.
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>> she didn't notice this at first. just kind of gone through stuff and were pretty careful about what -- about what they picked over. she discovered it a few days later. they are going through the drawers and looking through mostly jewelry and then taken the jewelry and -- we believe they are taking a pillowcase also using a pillowcase to put their property in. >> reporter: san rafael police are stepping up patrols in this part of the city trying to deter the next burglary. they are also meeting with alreadies in this area, trying to give people add vis about how to keep their -- homeowners in this area, trying to give
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people advice about how to keep their homes safe. back to you. >> thank you. let's check in with sal. >> 237 is slow here. but the slowdown is not that deep. in fact, once you get past zanker road, it kind of evens out. 1011 still slow approaching sunnyvale and so is 85. moving along to the bay bridge. it's a lot of improvement especially there on the left. contra costa county still slow -- still some slow traffic. we've seen improvement. 24 looks good between walnut creek and oakland. 80 between pinole -- pinole. :36. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. a very good good morning -- a very good morning. some locations have the sun
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already. but thunderstorms have calmed down for now. boy, they were really firing up last night. things are moving south but there's a lot of cloud cover starting to move up the sierra and beginning to drift back to the west which bears watching. the low is monning south it's in to southern california, it will be giving them a wide variety of weather. as the showers move south. left behind are a lot of clouds. still not done with a lot of that cloud cover which continues to increase and drive towards us. this is a fine line. as it moves south. it will take moisture with it. it's going to be a cooler day. so much activity is developing along the sierra and the crest of the sierra nevada that's
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definitely in the forecast for us today. after today, things will calm down. but 50s, 60s, very low 70s. i would bundle up if you are heading to the game tonight. it won't be very warm. 50s during the game. fog, sun -- fog will be with us. that will take us through saturday. one more system, a weak one clips and you then did dash clips in. thank you, steve. for the first time since the 2001.bust, pc shipments are expected to decline this year. industrial analysts say personal computer sales are likely to be down 1.2% by the end of the year. they say of the top four pc vendor only lanovs has seen an increase. san jose had based ebay wants site users to browse more, a feature called the feed
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shows shoppers items it thinks they might be interested in. it uses information about previous purchases or selections may have put on their list of items they could buy better. this is similar to the way shoppers in a mall might see things in store windows. well, this morning, the commerce department announced the u.s. trade deficit continues to grow. it was up 4.1% in august to 44.2 billion. both impours thes and exports declined with experts dropping off more than the imports. 8:39. ever found something, returned it and then demanded $200,000? that's happening now in san francisco. the strange story of a sailor and an america's cup boat.
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stocks are up after another
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set of better-than-expected job numbers out this morning. the labor says application for unemployment aid fell by 0,000, that's the lowest level since february of 2008. this comes three days after decline. the dow is up 27. the nasdaq is up 8. s&p is up 5. workday makes their public debut tomorrow. and it marks the return of dave dufffield, the ceo. he started people-soft but in 2005 he was forced to sell in oracle in an unusually hostile takeover. like people-soft, workday officers software but workday cloud based. ross mirkarimi may be back as folks's -- san francisco's sheriff but it seems some people are still gunning for
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his job. pam cook has more. >> the fight for ross mirkarimi's job is about to get longer. supervisor jane kim was at the setter of the surprising vote who was appointed by mayor ed lee who fought about his reinstatement for sheriff. now the "chronicle" says the electorate has every right to recall the sheriff which i would support. now, many things have to happen for a recall. it can be a very long process. first, a recall petition has to be approved. nearly 50,000 signatures have to be corrected -- collected and then the elections department has 30 days to verify the signatures. the department says it could be on the bal if all of the things happen -- ballot if all of the things happen, the city ballot, next november in 2013. i'm pam cook, back to you.
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>> thank you. let's get you updated on some of the other top stories we're following for you right now -- the as and giants need one more win for a big-time come back. the as took down the tigers last night. the giants belted three home runs against the cincinnati red. the win 8-3, coming up in a -- coming up in san francisco. paul ryan and joe biden face off tonight in kentucky for the one and only debate. you can watch it right here on ktvu channel 2. and there's a possible new clue in the unsolved disappearance of michaela garecht. she was kidnapped back in 1988. ktvu's claudine wong joins us live from hayward police department to talk about why the case is back in the spotlight. >> reporter: well, i've been talking with michaela's mother and she said she's coming more
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to talk with detectives and then we're hoping to talk to her. she's watching this latest development closely. she was 9 years old when she meant missing. she was kidnapped in front of a hayward grocery store. since then, for the last 24 years, her mother says they've been searching for her trying to figure out where she might be and who might have taken her. this latest clue, this latest possible break in the case came after the discoughry in linden -- discovery in linden. now, linden is where the san joaquin authorities started to dig after one of the so-called speed freak killers led them there. they did find the remains of a 16-year-old who went missing back in stockton. well, this bone was identify as a child between the ages of 5 and 15. that's what they are trying to
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determine. police right now are trying to figure out if this, indeed michaela's bone. >> i don't think think we can jump down the road of this must be. i think it's very unsure and hopefully the dna analysis will give us the closure closure on whether it is or isn't. >> reporter: the only thing tying the bone to her case, is it fits. age range of michaela and the time frame. in a blog, her mother blogged this morning just after midnight saying she thinks this might be it. she says it's very lightning cal and certainly why she continues to search for her daughter. she also searches for -- she also searches for closure. she does want to talk to detectives. they are working together on this. then wanted to let her know they will faying down this lead. they are -- chasing down this
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lead. they are chasing down this lead. but the dna that is being done, they are not expecting that back for a few more weeks. it's the myocondrag dna test -- myocondral dna test. yesterday, we first reported that the u.s. anti- doping agency issued a report of accusing armstrong of the most successful doping scandal
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ever. todd fullk is demanding at least $200,000 four the america's cup energy team catamaran. he saw the boat drifted to treasure island. the team was grateful he brought it back. but they couldn't believe that the man would turn around and charge him for it. they have been trying to negotiate to no avail. the "endeavour" will be taken through the streets of los angeles international airport an its final home. the journey starts tomorrow night and is expected to take hours because it will be going 2 miles an hour, average. >> hundreds of trees were removed to make room for the shuttle. a husband and wife suspected in a violent crime spree are now considered persons of interest and the
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killing of a hercules woman. retired schoolteacher susie co. he was found slabbed to death inside her home yesterday. a break in the case happened in a seattle suburb when a police officer spotted the stolen sue bu rue belonging -- subaru amonging to the family. >> once he looked into the darkened windows, a male started the car, backed up and hit the squad car. >> officers boxed him in and arrested washington and his wife, tonya. authorities say the man is wanted in connection with a crime spree in southern california that included a jailbreak, a shootout with a sheriff avenue deputy and a series of carjackings. hopefully the as and giants will hit a couple of more balls out of the park today. >> that ball has a chance to go. there it goes! >> big challenge facing both teams today. and sal will have one last
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check on that morning commute, including traffic conditions on highway 101 in san francisco. measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. to really help our schools, vote yes on thirty-eight.
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ask me what it's like when my tempur-pedic moves. [ male announcer ] why not talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. goes up. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. goes down. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ergonomics. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. [ female announcer ] for more information or to find a retailer near you, visit
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into right field, a base hit. the oakland as will live another day! >> another day is today. expect a soldout coliseum tonight, to be jumping just like last night. the as were down to their last
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three outs. they forced a fifth and deciding game this evening. >> it's amazing! i never lost hope and i will never lose hope! i love my as! >> the fans hope to cheer their team to evacuate i have. the first pitch is at 6:37 p.m. giants one win away from advancing and they will take on dusty baker's reds in cincinnati at 10:00 this morning. tara moriarty is live in san francisco. tara, you've already picked out a place to watch this big game? >> reporter: that's right. there's so much excitement in the air. a lot of folks that we've been speaking to in the finance am district say they are really gonna have trouble concentrating on work with such an important game at stake. behind me the bus is sort of blocking it here. this is the irish teams. they have all of the tables out here ready for breakfast. the folks who are gonna come down pray that the giants are
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-- pray that the giants have a repeat performance. >> that ball is hit and way gone. angel pagan. schools and work might suffer another day. the baseball tradition goes back to the days of the san francisco seals. >> are you gonna play hookey at all? >> we might have to sneak out and watch the score here and there. >> irish times is right over there. [laughter] >> good deal. >> are you gonna watch them todd? >> definitely. >> it looks like you are -- you have to go to work. >> well, we're gonna have some breaks. i will have some updates.
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no doubt >> we have an excuse circulating on facebook. perhaps you can sneak away for a wee little bit to catch a glimpse of the grame. yesterday, this bar was -- this bar was absolutely packed. you cannot get inside. the manager expects the same thing will happen again this morning. again, i apologize for the red. i'm not a reds' fan. i'm definitely a giants' fan. i'm pulling for the as, too. go, giants! >> i have to stay at work. part of work is following the news and part of the news is the giants. so i'm be watching, -- i'll be watching, too. let's check in with sal. >> it will an distracting day for sure at work. let's take a look at what we have here. the traffic is going to be busy
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in san francisco along northbound 101 although we could see some mysterious light traffic later when the game is on. this looks pretty good. northbound 101, traffic moving along very nicely. this is 880 in oakland. and remember the as game is at 6:30, there's also a warriors' game at 7:00. there will be a lot of people at the coliseum. talking about the peninsula. traffic is moving along pretty well in both directions. but 101 is very slow. i want to mention vasco road. vasco road is still closed because of an accident that's been there for more than an hour. avoid the area if you can. getting back to the peninsula. you can see the senate bridge is slow getting into foster city in san mateo. let's go to steve. >> thank you. over the bay area, we either have low clouds or suns but coming off the sierra nevada, there's a big batch of clouds going from there to there. maybe another round of showers.
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overall, 60s, not much change friday through saturday. the thunderstorms will move south and it will be fog and low clouds. after that, it will be very warm. there are signs of that. >> refully. >> yes. >> i'm sorry -- refully. >> yes. >> i'm sorry -- >> really? >> yes. >> i'm sorry. i'm surprised by that. and that's our report. thank you for trusting ktvu news. >> be sure to join us for the news at noon. we'll have an update on the giants' game. and the as coming up tonight. we're always here for you at and ktvu mobile. thank you for joining us. ank'sd makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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